Thursday, February 23, 2012


Dear Baby Dickinson,

There have been so many times I have wanted to write you lately, but I just haven't really known how to say what it is I want to say. I'm a writer. I do it for a living. Yet I still couldn't put anything into words. I'll catch you up on the technical stuff, though. This month was our second attempt for an IUI. Unfortunately, this month didn't work for it either. Your daddy and I were both extremely upset that we had another month with difficulties just being able to do an IUI. We feel positive about our chances of creating you with one if we can just do it, but it's not working for us. After spending about two days feeling extremely down in the dumps we decided our next plan of attack. We are going to skip next month as far as insemination goes. We're not even going to try it. We will plan to do a month of natural methods in an attempt to relieve some of the pressure we feel right now. If we still don't have you on the way by then, we'll likely attempt IUI the following month. We'll just have to play it by ear.

Last weekend we kept your cousin Jaxon. It was so much fun, and it only made me want you more. He is so funny. You will love him, and he will love you! Your Aunt Tara and Nucle Jeremy are considering moving down here near us, so we're hoping that happens. If it does then you will get to spend a lot of time with Jax.

Your Nana and Papa are so ready for you to come along. Nana keeps doing everything she can to help us gather more information and figure out ways to make you happen.

I just finished my school work for the night, and I am going to bed. I will keep you updated as things progress.

With all my heart,
