Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Natural Methods

Dear Baby Dickinson,

We're now on our 25th month of trying for you. We're going to skip the IUI this month because we just have too much pressure, but I have another plan. We're going to try natural methods, but I plan to mix it up a little in how we do it. I'll explain that some other day if it works. On a similar note, though, I have another big change I will be making. I have been gradually switching to organic and natural food and products for good health, but I'm now looking into going a little more extreme with it for infertility purposes. We'll see how it goes. It definitely can't hurt. I have a place on my main blog for natural health, so hopefully I fill it full of awesome ideas.

Your daddy and I have both found that every part of life is exceptionally difficult when we have to live it without you. I needed a break from everything one day because I was getting too stressed. I decided to go do a little window shopping. Apparently I didn't get the memo that every pregnant woman or new mother with her new baby was suppose to shop that day. I honestly think I saw a total of two people in target who were not either pregnant or with a baby. I came home, and your daddy and I decided to just curl up and watch a tv show together to get our minds off it. Low and behold... the show was about someone who was pregnant. So we switched channels to something that we knew wouldn't have babies related to it. After watching it for about 10 minutes one of the characters found out she was pregnant. We switched to DIY network, and the homeowners of the show were expecting a baby. I got on facebook, and there are far too many of my friends who are currently pregnant. We finally gave up and went to bed.

Yesterday one of my inspirations had a baby. Hopefully you will meet her son someday. She and her husband tried for 2 1/2 years before finally getting pregnant. We're closing in on them. It took them three IUI's to get pregnant, but it finally happened. She has guided me through so much of the process because she was almost a year ahead of me on it. She has continued to be my rock through everything. I hope to experience someday the feeling she got to experience yesterday by holding her child for the first time.

With all my heart,
