Sunday, July 1, 2012

14 Weeks

Dear Baby Dickinson,

The bad thing about living in central Arkansas during pregnancy is I don't have easy access to the Paragould Dairy Queen. I've been craving it bad! You'll understand why someday. That place is GOOD!

We got to hear your heartbeat again Thursday, and we cried again. It just makes it so real when we hear it. Since I still can't feel you move it's the only proof we have that there is really a life in there. It's so cool! I forgot to log your heartbeat, but it was a little lower than last time. I weighed 134 lbs, and my blood pressure was 102/58. We have to wait 5 more weeks for our next appointment, but we'll get to find out your gender at that one! We are so excited so we can start shopping for you!

I am still running, and it feels good when I can make it. I take Bentley with me every time. It's starting to get so hot outside that it's hard to go if I don't go real early, though.

We didn't get the house in Wildwood, so we're still hunting. We're hoping to find something soon. We close on the Fortson house July 27th.

You are now the size of a lemon... about 3.4 inches long and 1.5 ounces. You're sucking your thumb and wiggling your toes. You're growing peach-fuzz all over your body that will help keep you warm. Just a few more months and I'll be able to wrap you in my arms to keep you warm. :-)

I Love You!!