Friday, March 8, 2013

CMSN PTO Fundraiser

Dear Brantley~

I am the president of the PTO at Connor's school, Cabot Middle School North. I hope to do that for you someday, too. Although it is very time consuming at times, I love doing it and helping the school and the students. Tonight was our big fundraiser of the year. In the past we have sold items. We didn't want to do that this year. Parents get tired of having to buy things all the time from kids soliciting them. This year Alisa Landis headed up the fundraising and had a movie night. It was the first time it's ever been done. She did it all from scratch, and she and Melissa Passini worked their tails off on it! It turned out to be a huge success! You, of course, were there for all of it. You stayed in your carrier attached to my chest most of the time, but you were SO good!! We got there before school got out today, and we didn't get to leave until after 9pm, but you were good the entire time! Daddy and I were so proud of you! Connor held you for a little bit (he's pretty proud of you, too), but you started getting fussy. We had to take you back to calm you down. Here are a few pics from tonight:

Connor's teacher, Mrs. Angie Bowman, was dying to hold you. She is one of our favorite teachers ever. Maybe you'll have her as a teacher someday.

I Love You!!!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Wounded Warrior Project Dinner

Dear Brantley~

Tonight was a Wounded Warrior Project dinner in Little Rock. Several of the people hadn't seen us since we were trying to get pregnant, and some last saw us when we were 7 months pregnant. So, of course, we had to take you and show you off. Look how stinking cute you looked:

Bentley had to get down there by you, too. :-)

I Love You and am SO Proud of You!!