Thursday, June 20, 2013

NBA Finals and Hill Hike

Dear Brantley~

So often I look at you and think "I cannot believe this little guy grew in my belly!" You are so perfect! Why did God choose my body to protect you for your first 10 months? I feel blessed beyond words.

I'm sitting here in the recliner tonight holding you. Game 7 of the NBA Finals is on, but I'm struggling to watch it because I can't keep my eyes off you. It was precious earlier. You sat up next to me in the recliner like a big boy and watched the first part of the game with me.

This morning was our first walk with Mrs. Liz and Addison. I wore you until after we left them. I climbed up two monsterous hills with your 19-lb body on my chest! Talk about a workout! I love working out with you, though!

After you went to school this morning Daddy and I went down to Books-A-Million to just hang out for awhile. We had to have spent a couple hours there. It was so nice and relaxing to have that time with your daddy. It motivated me to do some things for our family. I'm so excited about the things I have up my sleeve!

It's about time for me to carry your precious self to bed. We have a big morning ahead of us... Another hill hike! 

I Love You So Much!!