Sunday, February 23, 2014

Taking Care of Asher

Dear Brantley~

You are such an awesome big brother! Your love for Asher is amazing. It absolutely melts my heart to see how much you love him and how good you are with him. Today I sat him in the bouncy seat. He had been in it awhile when he started to fuss. You immediately started going toward him, so I stepped back and watched. I wish I would've grabbed the camera quicker because it was so picture perfect. By the time I got it you were backing out. But you sat Clifford (the paci with the red dog attached to it) on him to try to cheer him up. When he didn't calm down you then climbed into the bouncy seat with him. You were so careful to not get on him, but you were on all fours around him. You loved on him until he started calming down, and then you backed out of the seat. He started to fuss again so you got near him, but when you saw me watching you stopped from getting in the seat again with him. I tried to encourage you to go ahead and get up there, but you didn't. You are so incredibly sweet!

Later I had him in the floor changing his diaper. You were about 5 or 6 feet away from us. When I finished I left him there while I got up to throw the diaper away. I watched as you walked toward him to make sure you didn't accidentally fall on him or anything. You got to him, knelt down, put your forehead against his forehead and loved on him like that for a bit, and then you kissed him on the face. You got up and played with one of your toys for a minute, and then you knelt back down, grabbed his hand, and kissed it.

I cannot even begin to tell you what you do for my heart. You are such an incredibly awesome little guy!! 

I Love You So Much!!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Bathtub Drain

Dear Brantley ~

So... you've probably figured out by now that you (and Asher) are pretty much the most precious things to ever walk this earth! Y'all are too perfect! This morning we woke up late (all of us, believe it or not) and we had to rush like crazy to get to daddy's doctor's appointment at the VA in Little Rock. You, Asher, and I dropped him off at the door of the hospital because we were too afraid to take you and Asher into the hospital because of all the sicknesses going around right now. I drove around with you and Asher while Daddy was in there. Y'all were amazingly wonderful. After we picked him up we drove around for awhile with y'all, went to Chik-Fil-A to eat, and then drove around some more. Y'all were absolutely awesome the whole time!!

Again tonight as I was fixing dinner you went to the pantry, grabbed a thing of baby food, brought it to me, and just handed it to me and looked at me. Lol! You are way too cute!!! I told you I was fixing dinner and would feed you in a few minutes. I set that container of food on the counter. You looked at me with a disappointed look, and then walked back to the pantry, grabbed a glass jar of baby food, and tried to bring it to me (but you dropped it before you could). So I put you in your high chair and went ahead and gave you the veggies I had planned for dinner tonight. You were just too cute to pass up.

During your bath tonight you cracked up as I pulled out a container of bubbles and started blowing them at you. This was the second night that you've thought those were hilarious. It's so stinking cute to see you get so tickled at them. Then when I pulled the drain stop out and set it on the side of the tub, you figured it out. You grabbed it off the side of the tub and stuck it back in the drain. Then you pulled it out, put it back in, pulled it out, etc., until all the water drained out.

I finished getting you ready for bed, and I got milk in a sippy for you and held you in the recliner so you could drink your milk until you fell asleep. Asher started crying just as I did, and Daddy was trying to do something, so I had him put Asher in my lap, too. You reached over to touch him as soon as he got in my lap. You love him so much! You are such an awesome big brother!!! And I have to say, holding both of you in my arms at the same time is heaven. Seriously... heaven! I have never been happier!

I Love You More Than You Will Ever Know!!!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Dear Brantley ~

It's your second Valentine's Day! You, Asher, and Daddy are the best Valentine's I could ever dream of having! I can't even begin to tell you how much I love you, and that love grows by the day. You have the sweetest, most loving, amazing personality. You are so much fun! Today you took off walking even more, but you still keep reverting back to crawling. I guess you will just wait until you decide you're ready to give up the crawling altogether. You've been walking for months.. like 6 months... but you still keep going back to crawling. Today you walked more than crawled, though, so I think any day now you'll decide to primarily walk. 

You still love to push the dining chairs around. Your ride-on Mickey Mouse firetruck is probably your favorite toy. You love to pick up items in front of you on the floor and put them behind your back. You will do that over and over again with items until there is nothing left in front of you, then you turn around and do the same thing putting them back where they were. You are still obsessed with opening and closing doors and drawers. You pull diapers out and strew them across the room several times a day. Playing "Where's Brantley" behind my back is your favorite game. You'll stand behind me when I sit on the floor. I'll ask "Where's Brantley" several times, then you'll peek your head around me and smile real big at me. I exclaim "There he is!" and you start giggling. You also love for me to get on all fours and then lower myself to the ground. You'll climb over my back from one side to the other and land on your head, do a roll, and get up to go back over. You still like the song Skidamarink, but If You're Happy and You Know It is beginning to rank right up there. You enjoy riding on my shoulders, then doing a front flip to get down. Your favorite word is Asher. 

This morning Daddy went to meet another wounded warrior at McDonald's for coffee, so I cuddled in our bed with you and Asher. You were so incredibly sweet! You kept rubbing his hands and face, and you'd bury your face into his belly. You rubbed your face against him over and over again and just kept giving him love. It was absolutely precious. You have no idea how much you melt my heart. 

For some pics from today:

You wanted to help me vacuum this morning, but you didn't want to get out of my way in the floor. So I put you on my shoulders, and you rode there while I vacuumed.

Here you were pushing the dining chairs around:

And then mesmerized by the crystal in the curio cabinet:

Of course, I have to throw in the sweetness of your Daddy. He gave me an incredibly sweet card, an angel to go on my momma bracelet that represents the babies we lost while trying to conceive you (because it already has charms to represent you, Asher, and Connor), and these beautiful flowers. Take note, son. Learn from your Daddy. You don't want to be one of those boys who doesn't get something sweet for your girlfriend/wife for Valentine's Day. 

I Love You SO Much, Sweetpea!!!