Sunday, February 23, 2014

Taking Care of Asher

Dear Brantley~

You are such an awesome big brother! Your love for Asher is amazing. It absolutely melts my heart to see how much you love him and how good you are with him. Today I sat him in the bouncy seat. He had been in it awhile when he started to fuss. You immediately started going toward him, so I stepped back and watched. I wish I would've grabbed the camera quicker because it was so picture perfect. By the time I got it you were backing out. But you sat Clifford (the paci with the red dog attached to it) on him to try to cheer him up. When he didn't calm down you then climbed into the bouncy seat with him. You were so careful to not get on him, but you were on all fours around him. You loved on him until he started calming down, and then you backed out of the seat. He started to fuss again so you got near him, but when you saw me watching you stopped from getting in the seat again with him. I tried to encourage you to go ahead and get up there, but you didn't. You are so incredibly sweet!

Later I had him in the floor changing his diaper. You were about 5 or 6 feet away from us. When I finished I left him there while I got up to throw the diaper away. I watched as you walked toward him to make sure you didn't accidentally fall on him or anything. You got to him, knelt down, put your forehead against his forehead and loved on him like that for a bit, and then you kissed him on the face. You got up and played with one of your toys for a minute, and then you knelt back down, grabbed his hand, and kissed it.

I cannot even begin to tell you what you do for my heart. You are such an incredibly awesome little guy!! 

I Love You So Much!!

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