Saturday, June 7, 2014

Sand and Water... That's Momma's Boy!!

Dear Brantley~

You absolutely LOVE being outside! So this morning I took you out and let you play for a long time. You almost always head straight to your sandbox. You climbed in and began playing. Bentley hopped in there, too, and stayed with you the entire time.

The only problem with you and the sandbox is that you always want to pick up a handful if sand and drop it out in the grass. You'll do it over and over again until we make you stop... which is as soon as we realize you're doing it.

After your nap you wanted to go out again, so I smothered you in sunscreen and let you go again. You played in the sandbox for quite awhile. I was cleaning the outdoor cushions. When I took them to the side of the house to the waterhose you chased after me. You were acting silly and playful, so I barely squirted you with the hose. You laughed so hard!! So I squirted you a little more. This went on until you were dripping wet. You were so cute! You and I were both laughing so hard and having so much fun! It was awesome!!!

I dove a little further into the book The Power of a Praying Parent by Stormie Omartian today. I have prayed hard for you every day since before you were even conceived, but from now on I will be praying a little differently. I hope to cover every aspect of your life in prayer so the devil never has a chance to slide his way in.

I Love You So Much!

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