Thursday, May 30, 2013

Growing and Developing

Dear Brantley~
You love to suck on your bottom lip when you sleep. It is so cute! I rocked you to sleep as I do most nights, and then I propped the feet up on the recliner after you fell asleep so I could just hold you. I've just been sitting here for the last little bit staring at your precious face and all the adorable expressions you make. 

You've started pushing up on all fours when you're on your tummy. You may end up crawling before you walk after all. Today you took about 15-20 steps with me holding your hands, though. So I think they're both coming soon. You can go from sitting to standing pretty much by yourself. You just use us for balance.

It's so exciting to watch you grow and learn!

I Love You So Much!!

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