Monday, May 13, 2013

Your First Camping Trip!!

Dear Brantley~

Today was the beginning of your first ever camping trip! It was so much fun with you! Unfortunately I had a paper due tonight, so I had to spend much of my time doing that. But I've been able to enjoy some time with you. We packed up the truck and camper with all our stuff plus you, Bentley, Cleo, Russ, Daddy, and me. We found an old DVD player, so Daddy attached that to your seat for you to use. You watched Ratatouille all the way here. We got a campsite on the Little Red River. C2 to be exact. We set up your Johnny Jump-Up for you to play in...

You went to the store with Daddy. After you got back he took you for a walk...

And we finished out the night with you falling asleep in my arms in front of your first ever campfire.

Sleep peacefully, my love.

We have a beautiful day in store tomorrow, and momma doesn't have any school work she has to do. :-)

I Love You So Much!!!

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