Sunday, December 29, 2013

All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth

Dear Brantley~

We decided to stay in Paragould one more day and head back to Cabot today. Although you had a super cute outfit that was perfect for church, none of the rest of us had church clothes. So we stayed at Nana and Papa's while they went to church. After church we went to Chili's to eat with Nana, Papa, Nucle Zac, Nucle Jeremy, Aunt Tara, and Jax. We were waiting for our seat when I suddenly noticed you had two new teeth coming in. Your top two front teeth have broken through and are shining pretty. Just as I said it Daddy noticed, too. Then Nana was so excited for you and had to see. You're getting them all quickly now that you've finally started getting them. 

When we got home we had so much fun pulling out your new toys and beginning to put them together... and you had fun trying to figure out what to play with as we kept putting new ones in front of you. It's so exciting to see you discovering new things and trying to figure out how they work. 

Now on to getting ready for your birthday next Sunday!

I Love You!!!!

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