Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Not Quite Official

Dear Brantley ~

You took 14 continuous steps today! You're getting closer and closer to walking full-time, but you're still lacking some confidence. I expect it to happen at any moment, though. You've been taking steps for months. 

You and I got to spend a lot of time together today, and I absolutely loved it!!! I've been missing you so much! Although I love every second I spend with Asher, it's been hard to cut back on so much of my time spent with you. Today Daddy spent more time with Asher than he has been, and I got to love on you all day. You are such a sweet sweet sweet little angel. All I have to do is smile at you and you start smiling real big. You love it when I snap and dance. You love it when I turn on the hairdryer. You love it when I blow my nose. You love it when I do the airplane while feeding you. You love it when I say "Mmmm... Yummay!" after giving you a bite of food. You love it when I sing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" to you. Oh, there are so many things you love. Some are silly, some are sweet, some are unusual... But the one thing they all have in common is that I absolutely love them all!!

Daddy was saying today that it amazes him how you and Asher make him look forward to getting up every day. Someday you will understand what all your daddy has gone through and how difficult many days are for him. But getting to see you and Asher, watch you play, love on you, cuddle with you, and every other interaction with you makes him feel like life is so much more worth living. He loves you SO MUCH!!! And I believe it goes without saying that I do, too! :-)

I Love You!!

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