Friday, April 11, 2014

Oh My Love...

Dear Brantley~

You stole my heart. Completely. I thought your daddy had all of it, but you came along and stole it. And somehow Asher did the same. I don't know how all three of you can fully have it at the same time, but you do. This morning you were your usual precious self. I got you out of bed by singing the Good Morning song that I always sing to you in the mornings (Good morning! Good morning! You slept the whole night through. Good morning! Good morning to you! Boop... boop boo do!). You grinned from ear to ear like you always do. You had been playing up there for about 45 minutes when I went up to get you. You woke up, made some noise to let us know, and then you just played in your crib. You were in such a good mood. When I walked in the door I saw one reason why. Bentley was in there sleeping on the big bed. She has gotten to where she loves to sleep up there with you. You love it, too. And so do I! I think it's so sweet that she wants to be with you like that, and I think it's so sweet that you want her there. I can only imagine how precious it will be when you have a bed that she can get in with you.

You played while I got our tax information together to take to the tax preparer. You, Asher, Daddy, and I all left to go to the air base to get our taxes done. You and Asher sat there quietly the whole time we were getting our taxes done. You made us so proud! Then again, you always do. When we were leaving the people working there kept commenting about how good y'all were the whole time. That is always so awesome to hear.

When we got home you went out front with me and played in the garage while I pulled out the miter saw and cut some wood I needed to make some planter boxes so I can get my herbs planted this year. When Asher got up from his nap Daddy took both of you out back. Asher sat in his bouncy seat while you played around in the yard and the mud. You got filthy, but it was so cute! You have SO MUCH fun playing outside! I love watching you! We stayed outside for a few hours. Finally I took you in, fed you supper, gave you a bath, got you to sleep, and took you to your bed. About 30 minutes later, though, you woke up and would not quit crying this horrible cry. I could tell something was wrong (I don't know if it was a bad dream or if your new tooth coming through was hurting you), so I brought you downstairs. Asher woke up about the same time, so daddy got him. We sat out on the back deck (it was an absolutely beautiful night) in the rocking chairs, daddy rocking Asher and me rocking you. Asher went to bed first. You stayed there with me for a couple of hours. I finally had to get you back to your bed. It took me a long time to do it, though, because you were so content cuddled up on my lap with a soft blanket over both of us. Every once in awhile you would just look up at me and look deep into my eyes. Like I said, you stole my heart! I will never be able to explain to you just how incredible it feels to hold you in my arms like that. When I finally took you back to bed I sat next to your bed for a long time. You laid there with your face up against the slats just staring at me. After about 10 minutes you rolled over, but you were still awake. I started praying over you, and I could hear you drifting off to sleep. By the time I finished you were sound asleep. Stole. My. Heart!

I Love You So Much!!! I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!

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