Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Another Tooth!!

Dear Brantley ~

I discovered a new tooth on you today!! It's the one just to your left of your top left front tooth. Every new tooth gives your smile a whole new look. I love the adventure with the teeth (although I don't like the pain you have to go through with each one). I'll try to get a pic for you when I can, but you don't like for me to look at it right now. 

You are such a good little tooth brusher. You get so excited when it's time to brush your teeth. You always let me brush them first, then you grab the brush and chew on it for awhile and suck the rest of the toothpaste off. You smile and giggle the whole time.

You got your belly filled up on leftover chicken spaghetti, so it's time (actually passed time) to get you to bed. You have a big day of school tomorrow! Your favorite bedtime books right now are Green Eggs & Ham by Dr. Seuss and Llama Llama Nighty Night. I usually read them to you in that order. I may try putting Asher in there with you again tonight. We'll see how this goes. :-)

I Love You So Much!

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