Saturday, January 14, 2012

In Search of Supplies

Dear Baby Dickinson,

Yesterday was quite the fiasco. We needed some supplies that you would think Walgreen's would have. We were going to use them in the process of making you... (Get your mind out of the gutter. Not THAT kind of supplies). We went to Walgreen's, and they told us we would have to go to a medical supply store. The lady told us where one was in North Little Rock. We drove down there, but it was nowhere to be found. We searched on our phones, and there was not one listed in that area. So we drove to the location where one was listed. It was nowhere to be found. We continued on to the next one, ending up in the ghetto. There was this abandoned looking warehouse at the address listed. Your daddy went in to check, and it was a warehouse for medical equipment distribution (big items like hospital beds). So we kept going. We ended up even further in the ghetto and came upon a drug store with bars covering the windows. We attempted it, feeling like we might get shot in the process. They had nothing of the sorts. She directed us to a medical supply business. From the outside it looked a little scary with bar-covered windows, but inside it was very nice. The people were extremely kind and helpful, but they did not have what we were looking for. By this point it was nearly 3pm, and neither of us had eaten all day. I had a killer headache, and we were both cranky. We decided to go to Wal-Mart and get something that we could improvise with, and just cross our fingers that it would work.

As we were driving around your daddy said that we will have to tell you all about our adventures in creating you someday so you will know just how much you mean to us and how badly we wanted you. I let him know about this blog, and I told him that I planned to give you all of these entries someday when you're old enough to understand them. He's not much on writing, but don't be surprised if he gets on here every so often to send you a note. You're as much on his mind as you are mine.


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