Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sisterly Love

Dear Baby Dickinson,

We're still waiting for my body to cooperate this month to see what our chances are for creating you. I think all these tests have thrown it for a loop. I was looking at you 4-legged sister, Bentley, today, though, and thinking about how excited she will be to meet you someday. Your cousin Jax was exposed to her from the beginning of his life, and she absolutely loved him. When I would hold him, she would lie right next to me. She never got in his face. She just calmly sat by watching him. She still gets excited to see him, and he's now 2 years old. She tends to be more in tune with me than I am with myself, so she will probably know when you are created before I do. I can't wait to see how she reacts to you growing in my belly, moving around in there, and then being in our presence someday. She will love you so much! I have a sneaky suspicion that y'all will the best of friends.


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