Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Not this month

Dear Baby Dickinson,

It looks like we won't get a chance to create you this month. My body is not cooperating after all the tests it has been put through. We have a lot of hope for next month, though. Because it makes me sad that you are not yet in our lives or on your way into our lives, I may not write much for the rest of this month. I have no chance of hope for this month, so I am going to try to focus on other things to get my mind off it. When the next month starts, though, I will probably be writing you letters an awful lot. If all goes as planned we will be doing an IUI next month. Our doctors have a lot of positive feelings about our success with IUI's, so you may be growing in my belly soon.

We are trying to fix up our current house so we can get it sold this spring or summer and get moved into the house where you will live with us. There are many "fixer-upper" things that I will not be able to do once I am pregnant with you, so I plan to focus on them as much as possible until the time comes next month for us to try an IUI. I'll update you on that as we go along. Until next time...



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