Sunday, April 21, 2013

Fun at Church

Dear Brantley~

Oh how I love you!! I just had to say that! :-) You went to the nursery at church today for the second time, and you did great! When we picked you up one of the girls working in there told me how you were her little buddy for the day. She did a silly gesture to you when we first walked out, and you grinned real big. You had fun with her the rest of the time. She said you are the first baby she's ever seen who loves to play with the toys that hang down over the bouncy seats. You do love those! I always have fun watching you play with those.

You took a good nap this afternoon, and I held you about half the time. I wanted to nap, too, but I couldn't fall asleep. I just couldn't take my eyes off you!

We rode around with Daddy for a bit so he could take some pictures with his camera and get some photography practice. Then we headed over to Rodney and Christy Wagner's for Life Group... and you tagged along. I think I will give in next time and take you to the childcare at the church. I'm nervous about it, but Jax will be up there, too. That eases my mind a bit.

I got to rock you to sleep tonight... my favorite thing to do. I held you for so long after, but I finally had to put you in bed so I could work on school stuff.

You will never know the extent of my love for you!!! You are my angel!!

I Love You!!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Your First Haircut!!

Dear Brantley~
You got your first haircut today!! You were the youngest baby Mrs. Charlotte had ever cut the hair of, but she agreed that you really needed it. You were SO good!!! We were amazed at how good you were because most babies fuss when they have it done. You smiled the majority of the time. It was so cute!

Daddy took a bunch of pictures while she was doing it, but I'll have to get them off his camera so I can put them on here. For now here is a picture I took of you with my phone.

You look so handsome and like such a big boy!

I Love You So Much!!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Cabot Ladies' Night Out

Dear Brantley~

Tonight I took you with Melissa Passini and I to Cabot's Ladies' Night Out. I wore you around in my wrap, and everybody had a fit over you! You were as cute as cute can be, and you were such a good little sweetie pie the whole time. I love taking you with me! Melissa and I bought you a new shirt.

By the time we got home you were worn out. Daddy fed you, and you were out for the night!

I have had an idea for awhile of a website I'd like to start and some fun I'd like to have with it. I finally got the motivation tonight to get it going. So soon I will have a site designed for mommas who want to be fit. I'm excited about jumping into this new journey! I think it will be a lot of fun and something where I can share my passion.

Daddy's already headed to bed, so I guess I'll go join him before it gets too late. Tomorrow morning you and I are heading to Mrs. Melissa's for coffee. I'm going to share the news with Mrs. Cyndi about your little brother or sister. (I told Mrs. Melissa tonight, and she was SO excited)!!!

I Love You So Much!!!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

You Rolled Over!!

Dear Brantley~

You officially rolled over on the floor for the first time today!! I had you on your playmat on the floor for some tummy time. Daddy was sitting on the couch reading a book. You started going, and I started screaming. I turned around and Daddy was still looking at his book. I told him to look up as I turned my head back toward you. I got to see you roll the rest of the way over. I was SO excited and started freaking out. Daddy had looked up just after you finished, so he missed getting to see it.

Later this evening we did some more tummy time. I kept trying to video you, but you weren't rolling. Daddy got up and walked out of the room. You started to roll, so I hollered for Daddy to come back and I tried to get my video camera out again. You rolled before I had time, though. And Daddy missed it again. :-(

Since I missed actually getting you on video, I took a picture immediately. So here's the best I can do on documenting your first real day of rolling over:

The funny thing about you rolling over is that you've been standing almost completely unassisted for a month now. So you could stand as long as you're holding on to something for a month before you could roll over. I have a feeling you're going to skip crawling and go straight to walking. It's so exciting to think of what else is in store for you! You're learning more and more all the time! I LOVE it!!!

I Love You So Much!!