Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Cabot Ladies' Night Out

Dear Brantley~

Tonight I took you with Melissa Passini and I to Cabot's Ladies' Night Out. I wore you around in my wrap, and everybody had a fit over you! You were as cute as cute can be, and you were such a good little sweetie pie the whole time. I love taking you with me! Melissa and I bought you a new shirt.

By the time we got home you were worn out. Daddy fed you, and you were out for the night!

I have had an idea for awhile of a website I'd like to start and some fun I'd like to have with it. I finally got the motivation tonight to get it going. So soon I will have a site designed for mommas who want to be fit. I'm excited about jumping into this new journey! I think it will be a lot of fun and something where I can share my passion.

Daddy's already headed to bed, so I guess I'll go join him before it gets too late. Tomorrow morning you and I are heading to Mrs. Melissa's for coffee. I'm going to share the news with Mrs. Cyndi about your little brother or sister. (I told Mrs. Melissa tonight, and she was SO excited)!!!

I Love You So Much!!!

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