Friday, March 7, 2014

Mommy & Me

Dear Brantley ~

You and I go to a Mommy & Me dance class on Friday mornings at Page & Co. in Cabot. Liz Coker teaches it, and Addison is always there. You're always the youngest one, and you're the only boy, so you are pretty shy in the beginning. You won't let go of me for the first 10-15 minutes, and it's only a 30 minute class. By the end you start getting more comfortable and you start to have some fun. Today you held onto my legs as I walked across the room to put my phone and keys down and then back. Mrs. Liz took a pic of you because it was so cute. 

By the end, though, you were having fun going through the tunnel.

You're still trying to learn how to feed yourself with a spoon. Today you were trying for awhile, then you just got frustrated and started sticking your hand in your mashed potatoes to feed yourself with you hands. Haha!

I Love You So Much, Sweet Pea!!

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