Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Outside at School and Messy at Home

Dear Brantley ~

Today was a school day for you, and your teacher said you had a great day! I can't remember her name. It's Miss Jolie and Mrs. Kasey's mom. You've been real shy with her ever since you moved up to her class. Today she said you really started breaking out of that shyness. It was a beautiful day, so you got to be outside quite a bit. You attempted the slides on your own today, and you loved them!! She said you got pretty confident and started to go after the bigger slide, but she stopped you because she was afraid you would hurt yourself. I was so excited to hear you were having a lot of fun and coming out of your shell!

When I got you home I decided to let you have a little messy fun. We started by me painting your hands green and doing a handprint St. Patrick's Day shamrock craft. Since that left me with a lot to clean up I decided we'd just continue the mess. I got out a bowl of Jello I had made a few days ago and I put it on your highchair tray. At first you were very careful with it like you normally are.

Then you started to realize that I was going to just let you have fun.

Then you really started getting with it and having a ball.

I decided, why not add supper to the fun? So I plopped some chicken spaghetti down for you. I gave you a spork, but you had no interest in using it since you were getting to have fun with it.

And this was the final result before I rushed you to the tub for a nice, long bath.

I'd say you had a good time! Haha! We played and played in the bath, and you had a blast in there as well. Overall I'd say you had an awesome day! Let's see what fun we can get into tomorrow!

I Love You So Much!!

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