Sunday, June 17, 2012

12 Weeks

Dear Baby Dickinson,

Today is Father's Day. It's so awesome to be able to give your Daddy a Father's Day gift from you. We went to church this morning, and then we drove up to Newport afterward to see Dandy for Father's Day. We were going to head on up to Paragould to see Papa, but he knew how much we had to get done to our house in Vilonia, so he told us he would see us later in the week to celebrate Father's Day and we could go on back to get some work done on our house. So we headed on back and got a lot of work done to the patio. We even conned Connor into working on it some... but that lasted all of about 10 minutes. :-)

We finally got to a point where we couldn't do anymore without more supplies, so Daddy decided we needed to build an outdoor table out of shipping pallets. I started helping him, but we were nervous about me ingesting chemicals. So he did the rest by himself. It turned out really good.

I helped Connor make a candy bar for his stepdad, Barrett, for Father's Day. I love doing those things with Connor, and I know it makes him feel good to always have homemade gifts for his mom and stepdad at all holidays.

I was able to get back to jogging this week. It felt so good! I go much slower than normal, I don't run as far as normal, and I run with a much shorter stride than normal, but I still do it! I just want to shout to the neighbors "I'm Pregnant!" though because that bump is showing up!

You are now the size of a plum... about 2.1 inches long and 0.49 ounces. Most of your critical systems are fully formed. You're developing your reflexes. If I poke you, you will move. I still can't feel it, though. Your brain is developing fast, and you're opening and closing your fingers and curling your toes. I can't wait to kiss those little toes!

I Love You!!

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