Sunday, June 3, 2012

10 Weeks

Dear Baby Dickinson,

We made it Facebook official this week! We went back to the doctor Thursday. We got to hear your heartbeat. The nurse practitioner was able to find it immediately. It was a whopping 177 beats per minute! I weighed 129 lbs., so the weight gaining has begun. My blood pressure was 118/70. Everything looked good, and they believed you were very healthy, so we couldn't keep you a secret any longer. We decided it was time to share you with the world. We received an overwhelming response of support from people on Facebook. It's been fun!

The guy came to look at the house. He liked it, but we haven't heard anything back from him. I'm kinda thinking he won't end up getting it. We have decided to list it with that agent, Kelly Tedder, instead of doing it ourselves like we had originally planned, though. We still have more to get done before she lists it, but it will be soon. It's really looking good.

Tonight I enjoyed our back deck for awhile while we still have it. It was so nice. I poured some organic sparkling apple juice in a wine glass, turned on my Kindle, propped up my feet, looked out through the woods at the beautiful horizon, and listened to the rolling thunder in the background. It was so nice and relaxing. I couldn't help but think of you the whole time.

You're now 10 weeks. You're the size of a prune... about 1.2 inches long and 0.14 ounces. You have working arm joints, and your cartilage and bones are forming. Your vital organs are fully developed and they're starting to function. Your fingernails and hair are starting to appear, and you're swallowing and kicking. I can't feel your kicks yet, but I CAN'T WAIT until I can!!

I Love You!!

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