Sunday, June 24, 2012

13 Weeks

Dear Baby Dickinson,

We had a busy week! We went to a Wounded Warrior Project dinner Monday night. We met a man named Mark Leonard with the Arkansas Freedom Fund, and they're going to loan Daddy an adaptive bicycle for an extended period of time. That is a dream come true!

We got our house listed, and it sold the first day! We went through a few days of negotiations, but the offer came in the first day.

Yesterday we took Connor bowling at the Air Base. It is such a good deal to go bowling there. I can't wait to go with you someday!

We are on the hunt for a new house. We found one we LOVE in the Wildwood subdivision. We put an offer on it, but there is already one other offer on it. We're waiting to hear back. Whatever house we end up with is where you will begin your life, so this is a big deal. This one has a nice pool and a huge fenced in back yard, though, so we are really hoping for it.

I'm feeling good lately. It makes it so hard to not lift things and do activities I shouldn't. I took pics this week about midway through the week (at 12.5 weeks) and today (at 13 weeks).

I had my first weird craving this week... cottage cheese with pickles. Boy did it hit the spot once I ate it, though!

You are now the size of a peach... about 2.9 inches long and weighing about 0.81 ounces. Your body is looking more proportionate. Your head is now about 1/3 the size of your body. You're forming vocal cords and teeth, and you already have fingerprints. Your intestines are moving from your umbilical cord to your tummy.

We get to go back to the doctor this week and hear your heartbeat again. I am so excited! We'll see if Daddy or I can get through it without crying. We haven't yet. :-)

I Love You!!

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