Wednesday, January 15, 2014

12-Month Wellness Check and Shots

Dear Brantley~

Today were your 12 month shots. I honestly think it hurts me more than it does you. I absolutely breaks my heart to see you look at me in pain with a look of "why are you letting them do this to me" on your face. I know it's for your own good, but it's still hard. You were 29.75 inches and 22 lbs 10 oz. After we got home I played with you in the floor quite a bit, and we had a blast with your Elefun toy that you and I love to play with together. You just giggle and giggle when we play with it. I love to see you so happy like that! Then we went to Kroger. They gave you a sticker while we were there, and while I was feeding you dinner tonight you took it off your shirt and started playing with it. It was your first experience with a sticker, and it was so cute! You kept trying to throw it, but it was stuck to your fingers. You would just laugh so hard and then try it again. You are so much fun! I absolutely adore every little thing about you!!!!!

I Love You So Much!!!

Oh! By the way, you are getting your fourth tooth in. I noticed today it has broken through. It's your second front, bottom tooth. So cute!

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