Friday, January 3, 2014

Haircut and Shopping

Dear Brantley ~

Could I possibly love you more??? I never dreamed I could have this much love for someone. Today was our day. I was so excited to spend it with you! I was going to take you to get a haircut, then it was going to be just you and me all day. Daddy had trouble with his pain this morning, though, so I quickly knew our plans would have to change. I took you for your haircut (which you screamed almost all the way and then I thought we would run to Wal-Mart real quick before going home. I realized I needed to run to the bank, post office, etc., also, so after doing all of that and before going to Wal-Mart I called to check on Daddy and Asher. Daddy was feeling better and wanted to get out of the house. I knew it would be difficult for him to get out and about with Asher, so I offered for them to join you and I. So we didn't quite get the alone time we were planning today, but it was fun nonetheless. You were such a perfect little angel all day, and so was Asher. 

Tonight Asher started crying, and you very plainly said "Asher" several times in a row. We were so excited! I had heard you do that before, but Daddy didn't seem to quite believe me. Tonight you proved it to him, though! I was so proud of you!

Stephanie Pack sent me a facebook message tonight to let me know that she got your cake finished for your birthday Sunday. It is SO cute!!!! She did an amazing job!!! Your party will be Crayola themed, but it's not going to be a big party. I had planned to have several kids your age over for it, but with Christmas and Asher's birth and everything I have just been way too swamped with stuff and way too exhausted to get everything ready for a real big party. So we will only have family here for it, and I'm stressing myself out over it all. We're going to have a great time, it's going to be a fun party, and everything will be wonderful. I can't wait to post pics for you!

I Love You So Much!!!!!!!

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