Monday, January 13, 2014

First Smoothie

Dear Brantley ~

You took your nap today at lunchtime, so in the afternoon you were needing a meal. You went to the kitchen and started getting fussy. Although you're not quite telling me yet what you want, I knew you were hungry. I looked to find something I could fix you for lunch. Everything we had that would not take a long time to fix was highly processed food that I just didn't want to give you (Spaghetti-O's, Vienna sausages, etc.). I knew that I planned to fix myself a green smoothie after I got you something to eat, so I decided I would fix you one, too. I just threw together a few things that would be good for you and that you are able to eat, but I had no idea how it would taste. Kale, apple juice, one apple, one carrot, two slices of pineapple, and greek yogurt are what ended up in there. You had gotten real fussy by this point, so I didn't know if it would calm you down. I put you in your "recliner" (aka bouncy seat) and handed your smoothie to you. You went to town on it!!! You seemed to love it! 

Today is Daddy's hobby day, so he had been out taking pictures. He came home as you were lying there, and he got a kick out of how much you seemed to love your first green smoothie. And I love the fact that you seem to be all about healthy eating! 

I Love You!!!!

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