Sunday, May 27, 2012

9 Weeks

Dear Baby Dickinson,

You've been kicking my tail this week. I am so fatigued all the time. We are getting a whole lot done to the house, though. We don't have it ready to list yet, but there is a realtor who wants to go ahead and show it to one of her clients. It will show with the understanding that we don't have everything finished  yet, but we will finish it before he takes possession if he wants it. I'm feeling pretty positive about it. I don't know if this guy will buy it, but somebody will.

The hardest thing for me right now, especially while trying to get so much done to the house, is not lifting heavy items. I'm so used to always lifting and carrying real heavy stuff. Everybody keeps getting on to me... especially Nana and Papa.

We get to go to the doctor again this Thursday. I've always disliked going to the doctor, but I look forward to it with you. I know we won't get to see you again, but I'm curious what they will do.

You are now the size of a green olive. Isn't it crazy to think you could ever be that size?!? You're about 0.9 inches long and weight about 0.07 oz. You are officially considered a fetus now... You're no longer an embryo. You're devloping more distinct facial features. I can't wait to get to see that precious little face.

I Love You!!

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