Thursday, January 31, 2013

Another Answered Prayer

Dear Brantley~

Daddy and I got up this morning to go to a consignment event called Duck Duck Goose at the State Fairgrounds in Little Rock. First I have to say, you were so good!! Everybody we saw had a fit over how cute you are. We got you several cute outfits, a bathtub, two new slings, a carseat base for Daddy's truck, four outfits for Connor, and a new cover for your carseat all for only $104! We couldn't believe it! And it's all in really good shape... some brand new with the tags. Apparently you like the new slings. Look how cute you are wrapped up in mine:

The doctor's office called today. Of course, I had been sick at my stomach worrying about the results of your tests. I've felt better since the women's Overcome conference at NLC since I felt a peace about everything there, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't at all concerned. 
We feel so much better!! You are officially a healthy little guy! I cried, held you, and kissed you for the longest time!

Daddy and Nucle Jeremy stood outside our house visiting for a little while, and I had to get a picture of how cute they were in their Red Wolves attire. :-) Too bad we didn't have one of your Red Wolves outfits on you so you could have gotten in the picture with them. :-)

Daddy's grilling for us tonight. (Which means I don't have to cook!!! Woohoo!!) Isn't he cute in his Red Wolves shirt and Razorback apron?!? A true Arkansan... supportive of both state teams!

Obviously by looking at the picture I have some house cleaning to do. It's so hard, though, because I don't want to be away from you long enough to clean. I love you SO stinkin much!!!!


Sunday, January 27, 2013

3 Weeks 1 Day... Your First Stroll

Dear Brantley,

Although you have ridden in your stroller a couple of times when we have taken in public places, we hadn't yet taken you for a walk in your stroller. Today was a beautiful day for a stroll, so when Daddy started feeling better later in the day we bundled you into your stroller and went for a walk in the neighborhood.

Tonight I brought you into the bedroom to feed you. Connor's here, so I have to shut us in the bedroom when he's here and I'm going to nurse you. You only nursed for a couple of minutes, and then you wanted to just hang out. I turned the tv to the Baby Channel, propped you between my legs, and we chilled together watching tv.

Now you're asleep in my arms. There is nothing that makes me happier. You are the most adorable, precious, lovable little guy I've ever seen. You are my world!!

I Love You More Than You'll Ever Know!!!


Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sleeping Through the Night

Dear Brantley~

On the night of your 2-week birthday (last night) you slept through the night for the first time! You slept 9 straight hours last night!! We couldn't believe it!! You are such a good and easy baby. We are the luckiest parents ever!!

I Love You!!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

My 32nd Birthday & Your 2-Week Birthday

Dear Brantley~

You were born exactly two weeks before my birthday. Actually, believe it or not, you were born on the day I was due to be born when Nana was pregnant with me. Well, today is my 32nd birthday, which makes it your 2-week birthday! We drove up to Paragould yesterday and spent the night with Nana and Papa.

Today we took you to the Paragould Dairy Queen for the first time. One of these days you'll learn how big a deal that is. You were so cute with your little fohawk on your first time there.

Then you, Nana, and I went shopping in Paragould. We planned to go several places, but you were worn out by the time we finished at Belk, so we didn't go anywhere else.

Tonight you, Nana, Papa, Daddy, and I all went to eat my birthday dinner at Kimono Japanese Steakhouse and Hibachi Grill. You were SO good the whole time!! They came out clanging pans and singing Happy Birthday to me. You jumped and flinched, but you never fussed. You are seriously the best baby ever!

Your Daddy is so proud of you!!

I Love You So Much!!!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Airplane Sweater

Dear Brantley,

Right after Daddy and I found out you were a boy we went shopping for a few boy outfits. We absolutely had to get this adorable airplane sweater for you with the matching hat. Today after bathing you I decided to dress you in that outfit. The jeans I wanted to put on you were still way too big, so I put some gray pants on you. You passed out as I was dressing you, so I laid you down on your blanket to get pictures. I love taking pictures of you! You're too stinking cute!

We made it through our first full day without Nana and Papa. They left yesterday, and Nana told me she would be coming back today... But she didn't. Although I am extremely appreciative of all they've done for us by staying around and helping after your birth and even before it, I was really hoping Nana would come back today. I don't know how we possibly would have made it through that first week without them!

I Love You!!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

1 Week Old

Dear Brantley~

You are one week old today!! It was the first day that you and I have been left home alone together. I can't say I wasn't nervous. It was nice, though, to get to have that alone time with you. What did I do with that time? I took pictures of you, of course. :-) This is you at 1 week old:

I'm starting to feel better. I still hurt quite a bit, but I'm really pushing myself to do more and more all the time. And I'm still LOVING every second with you!!!

I Love You!!

You got fussy, so I tried to calm you down:

Here you are with Jax, Connor, and me in your bedroom:

I'm starting to feel better. I still hurt quite a bit, but I'm really pushing myself to do more and more all the time. And I'm still LOVING every second with you!!!

I Love You!!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Facing Induction

Dear Baby Brantley,

You're trying to make your way out. We went to the doctor today, and we were dilated to 3 cm and 80% effaced. She said you are very low and my cervix has dropped into place for delivery. She thinks you will arrive soon once we go into active labor. However, because she doesn't want to take a chance of us going much past 41 weeks, she wants to induce if you are not here by Monday, January 7th. Today is Wednesday, January 2nd. I really don't want to be medically induced, so I'm hoping beyond hope that you come soon on your own.

Nana and Papa stayed around today to help us pack up all the Christmas decorations. That was such a huge help!! Our house looks so bare now, though. Daddy has been napping all afternoon. I am about to take a little nap before heading to Wal-Mart to pick up a few things. I hope we get to see you in the next couple of days.

I Love You!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2 Days Late

Dear Baby Brantley,

You're officially 2 days past your due date. It's the start of a new year, and it's your Nucle Jeremy's 34th birthday. Nucle Zac and Aunt Kerri had to leave today to go back to California. They stayed an extra day hoping to be here for your arrival, but they could not keep putting off work. They had to go back. We will go back to the doctor at 9 AM tomorrow morning to see if you're closer to being ready to come out.

Overall I'm feeling pretty good. You've been moving a whole lot lately, but I still love the way it feels! I have to take Prevacid every day or I end up with my head in the toilet from severe acid reflux. I get tired easily, but nothing like I would expect for being past our due date. I have aches and pains from time to time, but I've still not acquired the "waddle" that you often see pregnant girls do. Considering we are over 40 weeks pregnant I really have VERY few aches and pains. I have been very lucky!

It's nearing 11 PM right now, so I need to get some rest. I'll let you know how tomorrow goes.

I Love You SO Much and CAN'T WAIT to hold you in my arms!!!!
