Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Facing Induction

Dear Baby Brantley,

You're trying to make your way out. We went to the doctor today, and we were dilated to 3 cm and 80% effaced. She said you are very low and my cervix has dropped into place for delivery. She thinks you will arrive soon once we go into active labor. However, because she doesn't want to take a chance of us going much past 41 weeks, she wants to induce if you are not here by Monday, January 7th. Today is Wednesday, January 2nd. I really don't want to be medically induced, so I'm hoping beyond hope that you come soon on your own.

Nana and Papa stayed around today to help us pack up all the Christmas decorations. That was such a huge help!! Our house looks so bare now, though. Daddy has been napping all afternoon. I am about to take a little nap before heading to Wal-Mart to pick up a few things. I hope we get to see you in the next couple of days.

I Love You!!

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