Monday, January 14, 2013

Airplane Sweater

Dear Brantley,

Right after Daddy and I found out you were a boy we went shopping for a few boy outfits. We absolutely had to get this adorable airplane sweater for you with the matching hat. Today after bathing you I decided to dress you in that outfit. The jeans I wanted to put on you were still way too big, so I put some gray pants on you. You passed out as I was dressing you, so I laid you down on your blanket to get pictures. I love taking pictures of you! You're too stinking cute!

We made it through our first full day without Nana and Papa. They left yesterday, and Nana told me she would be coming back today... But she didn't. Although I am extremely appreciative of all they've done for us by staying around and helping after your birth and even before it, I was really hoping Nana would come back today. I don't know how we possibly would have made it through that first week without them!

I Love You!!

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