Thursday, January 31, 2013

Another Answered Prayer

Dear Brantley~

Daddy and I got up this morning to go to a consignment event called Duck Duck Goose at the State Fairgrounds in Little Rock. First I have to say, you were so good!! Everybody we saw had a fit over how cute you are. We got you several cute outfits, a bathtub, two new slings, a carseat base for Daddy's truck, four outfits for Connor, and a new cover for your carseat all for only $104! We couldn't believe it! And it's all in really good shape... some brand new with the tags. Apparently you like the new slings. Look how cute you are wrapped up in mine:

The doctor's office called today. Of course, I had been sick at my stomach worrying about the results of your tests. I've felt better since the women's Overcome conference at NLC since I felt a peace about everything there, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't at all concerned. 
We feel so much better!! You are officially a healthy little guy! I cried, held you, and kissed you for the longest time!

Daddy and Nucle Jeremy stood outside our house visiting for a little while, and I had to get a picture of how cute they were in their Red Wolves attire. :-) Too bad we didn't have one of your Red Wolves outfits on you so you could have gotten in the picture with them. :-)

Daddy's grilling for us tonight. (Which means I don't have to cook!!! Woohoo!!) Isn't he cute in his Red Wolves shirt and Razorback apron?!? A true Arkansan... supportive of both state teams!

Obviously by looking at the picture I have some house cleaning to do. It's so hard, though, because I don't want to be away from you long enough to clean. I love you SO stinkin much!!!!


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