Sunday, January 27, 2013

3 Weeks 1 Day... Your First Stroll

Dear Brantley,

Although you have ridden in your stroller a couple of times when we have taken in public places, we hadn't yet taken you for a walk in your stroller. Today was a beautiful day for a stroll, so when Daddy started feeling better later in the day we bundled you into your stroller and went for a walk in the neighborhood.

Tonight I brought you into the bedroom to feed you. Connor's here, so I have to shut us in the bedroom when he's here and I'm going to nurse you. You only nursed for a couple of minutes, and then you wanted to just hang out. I turned the tv to the Baby Channel, propped you between my legs, and we chilled together watching tv.

Now you're asleep in my arms. There is nothing that makes me happier. You are the most adorable, precious, lovable little guy I've ever seen. You are my world!!

I Love You More Than You'll Ever Know!!!


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