Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2 Days Late

Dear Baby Brantley,

You're officially 2 days past your due date. It's the start of a new year, and it's your Nucle Jeremy's 34th birthday. Nucle Zac and Aunt Kerri had to leave today to go back to California. They stayed an extra day hoping to be here for your arrival, but they could not keep putting off work. They had to go back. We will go back to the doctor at 9 AM tomorrow morning to see if you're closer to being ready to come out.

Overall I'm feeling pretty good. You've been moving a whole lot lately, but I still love the way it feels! I have to take Prevacid every day or I end up with my head in the toilet from severe acid reflux. I get tired easily, but nothing like I would expect for being past our due date. I have aches and pains from time to time, but I've still not acquired the "waddle" that you often see pregnant girls do. Considering we are over 40 weeks pregnant I really have VERY few aches and pains. I have been very lucky!

It's nearing 11 PM right now, so I need to get some rest. I'll let you know how tomorrow goes.

I Love You SO Much and CAN'T WAIT to hold you in my arms!!!!


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