Saturday, January 12, 2013

1 Week Old

Dear Brantley~

You are one week old today!! It was the first day that you and I have been left home alone together. I can't say I wasn't nervous. It was nice, though, to get to have that alone time with you. What did I do with that time? I took pictures of you, of course. :-) This is you at 1 week old:

I'm starting to feel better. I still hurt quite a bit, but I'm really pushing myself to do more and more all the time. And I'm still LOVING every second with you!!!

I Love You!!

You got fussy, so I tried to calm you down:

Here you are with Jax, Connor, and me in your bedroom:

I'm starting to feel better. I still hurt quite a bit, but I'm really pushing myself to do more and more all the time. And I'm still LOVING every second with you!!!

I Love You!!

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