Friday, February 1, 2013

Asleep in Papa's Arms

Dear Brantley~

Nana and Papa came down today to keep Jax for the weekend so Nucle Jeremy and Aunt Tara could go away for a few days. I cooked spaghetti and meatballs for everyone, so Nana, Papa, and Jax came down to eat dinner with us. Nana held you while I ate, and then Papa took you to rock you to sleep. They adore their time with you. You will never know how much you are truly loved.

Look how safe you are in your Papa's arms. :-)

Here are some pics of Daddy feeding you and burping you. You don't like to be burped. Every time we try to sit you up to burp you, you start crying and trying to throw your body back so we'll give you more bottle. Lol! You're so cute!

You have such a good daddy! He takes such good care of you, and he loves every second he spends with you! I am so blessed to have both of you in my life!

I Love You!!

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