Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Date Night

Dear Brantley~

You went on a date with Daddy and I tonight... at home. We went to the grocery store midday and got a pork shoulder roast and a few other things. (Your 1st Valentine's Day hat is from Nucle Jeremy, Aunt Tara, and Jax, and your 1st Valentine's Day outfit is from MawMaw and Dandy).

Daddy smoked the roast all day, and I cooked some boiled and smashed potatoes (which he loves). Then I prepared some asparagus the way we like it and he grilled it. We had a fabulous dinner after enjoying wine and cheese together earlier in the evening. I got to finish the night by rocking you to sleep.

I honestly don't know if a day could be any better. I got to enjoy it with my two true loves.

I Love You!!!

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