Monday, February 11, 2013

My First Real Run

Dear Brantley~

I went out for a jog today. Last week when I tried to jog the pain was pretty strong. I was nervous that it might still be a little too soon. So I decided to give it a little more time. Now it's been 5 weeks since you were born, so I thought I'd give it a shot. I did a short walk to warmup, then I started into the jog. It hurt like crazy where my incision was made. I decided I would push however hard it took to make it to a quarter of a mile. When I hit that mark the pain had decreased, so I made up my mind to push harder. I believed I could make it to half a mile. I got there and was already struggling to breathe, but I thought I could make myself go to three quarters of a mile. I got there and knew I couldn't let myself stop without going to a full mile. By the time I got to a mile the pain from the surgery was gone and the only difficulty I had was the typical struggles of someone starting back to running... so I pushed on.

1.25 miles... I can make it farther....

1.60 miles... I accidentally missed 1.5, so I might as well go on to 1.75...

1.75 miles... I can't stop here! If I've pushed this far I can push another .25 miles so I hit 2.0...

1.97.... gasp.... gasp....

1.98.... wooooweee this hurts......

1.99.... almost there... almost there...

2.0!!!!! My first day back and I ran 2 miles continuously!!!! I felt so accomplished!! I'm gonna get back to where I was. It will only take time.

The pics I got of you today were adorable... as always! When I got home from my jog your daddy had surprised me by already giving you a bath. He dressed you in jeans and a hoodie that were so stinking cute on you. That evening he had fun with you as you fell asleep in his arms while he fed you. I had to get pics of you and him...

Then you fell asleep in my arms a bit later. I couldn't quit taking your picture. Look how beautiful your little face is...

I love you more than you could possible imagine!!! And I love you more and more every single day!!!


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