Sunday, February 10, 2013

Just a swingin...

Dear Brantley~

Today we took you to the Memphis Flea Market at the Little Rock Expo Center in Jacksonville. Yeah... it's pretty confusing. I used our carrier to tote you around, and I loved every second of having you curled up to my chest like that. It is the greatest feeling in the world. Well... it's one of them. I've found there are many "greatest feelings in the world" when it comes to you.

I had to take a picture of you and me to show your size. Look how little you are compared to me. It is so adorable!!!

And then I had to video you tonight while you were swinging in your swing. I love your coo's. You quit doing them as much when I started recording you, but I had to post it for you to watch someday anyway.

I Love You!!

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