Thursday, February 7, 2013

Momma Check-Up

Dear Brantley~

Today was my 4 week check up after giving birth to you. Everything went great! I am cleared to get back to my regular activities... of course it's all dependent on how I feel. I basically have to just use my own judgment from here on.

You, on the other hand, are growing like a weed. You're growing too fast. It was so hard for me to leave you today. I planned to take you to the doctor's office with me, but you were sleeping so good when it was time for me to leave the house that I hated to disturb you. I left you home with Daddy, and I cried as I walked out the door. I know I need to leave you for short jaunts so we don't deal with separation anxiety later, but it doesn't make it any easier. To help ease my pain your daddy sent me a text when I got to the doctor's office that said, "Look at the security camera." I pulled up the living room security camera on my phone, and he had moved it to your swing so I could watch you while I was gone. It made me feel so much better.

I Love You So Much!!

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