Monday, May 7, 2012

6 Weeks * 2 Days

Dear Baby Dickinson,

I had my first official vomit today since the beginning of this pregnancy. I actually had one a few weeks ago, but it turned out that one was before you were created. So this was my first. It wasn't that bad, though. It was just proof to me that I need to eat something when I first wake up in the mornings. It also didn't bother me because I know it means you are growing in my belly. I'll take that!

Nana texted today to tell me she wants to buy your baby bed. Papa keeps texting to see how I'm feeling. They're so cute. They are so excited about you!

Daddy and I have both rested all day. We've not felt like doing much of anything. I guess we both needed to catch up. I'm about to rest some more.

I Love You!!

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