Wednesday, May 9, 2012

6 Weeks * 4 Days

Dear Baby Dickinson,

We get to see you again tomorrow! I'm so excited about going back to the doctor and seeing you again! I've been feeling pretty good today for the most part. Daddy and I worked on the patio some more. We drove down to Sherwood to look at the house Nucle Jeremy and Aunt Tara put an offer on yesterday. Then we ate at Smokin' Buns BBQ on Hwy 107 in Jacksonville. That place is awesome! We ran by Scott & Marian's to pick up Connor's birthday present from MawMaw and Dandy, and little Wyatt is really growing. He's 5 months old now. We also talked about your name. As of right now these are our choices:

BOY: Brantley Reise
GIRL: Marlee

We don't have a girl middle name picked out yet, but I like Adele. :-)

I Love You!!

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