Sunday, May 13, 2012

7 Weeks

Dear Baby Dickinson,

It's Mother's Day! The last two Mother's Days have been sad for me because I longed so much for you. Today was so awesome, though! Daddy gave me flowers, a sweet card, and an Under Armor aerobic outfit. After church we took Nana, Papa, Nucle Jeremy, Aunt Tara, and Jaxon to the airport, then we went up to MawMaw and Dandy's in Newport. We gave MawMaw a Mother's Day gift similar to the picture frame we gave Nana & Papa. They all congratulated us.

We had our pictures made outside in MawMaw's campaign shirts (she's running for her third and last term as state representative) and then hung out outside for a bit. I got sick again and had to run in and throw up. If it means I get to have you, though, I'll take it!! :-)

I Love You!!

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