Sunday, May 20, 2012

8 Weeks

Dear Baby Dickinson,

You flew again today, and you did great! We had an awesome time in Malibu! It was so exciting to know we were carrying you around with us everywhere we went. We think about you ALL the time! We bought your first Pepperdine shirt. Someday you'll realize how cool that shirt is because it was bought when your Aunt Kerri was graduating with her PhD. That's a huge accomplishment, so that's why we all went out there for her graduation. We are so proud of her!

We did quite a few things with you in my belly while we were out there. We went to the Santa Monica Pier and ate at Bubba Gump Shrimp Company, walked Hollywood Blvd. in Hollywood, went to Pink's Hot Dogs, drove the coast, and just enjoyed sme time on campus hanging otu at Nucle Zac and Aunt Kerri's house. We tried to go to Disneyland one day, but sweet Jaxon got sick on the way. We were all so sad for him because he loves Mickey Mouse so much.

I got a bump picture while standing in the bathroom at their house. I think my "bump" is more bloat than baby right now, but it's so funny to me.

You are the size of a raspberry right now... approximately 0.63 inches long and 0.04 oz. You're growing by about a millimeter each day. Although I can't feel it yet, you're moving your arms and legs like crazy. Your taste buds are starting to form, and your fingers and toes are only slightly webbed.

As for me, I'm still just really tired. As long as I eat about once an hour, though, I don't have to deal with too much nausea.

I Love You!!

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