Wednesday, May 2, 2012

One More Day!!

Dear Baby Dickinson,

We get to go to the doctor tomorrow!! Your Daddy and I have both been thinking about it all day. We are so stinkin' excited!! We are really hoping we get to see you in an ultrasound. The main thing we are most curious about, though, is how far along we are. We really think we are 9 1/2 weeks, but it is possible that we are only 5 1/2 weeks. Although we will be happy either way we are hoping we are 9 1/2 weeks. That will put us closer to being out of the "danger zone" of the first trimester. I'm barely starting to get a baby bump, so we really think we are 9 1/2. I took my second profile pics today (actually daddy took them of me).

I had an average headache today, but I was fatigued more than anything... again. It's all worth it, though!!!

I Love You!!


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