Monday, May 14, 2012

7 Weeks * 1 Day

Dear Baby Dickinson,

Today, at the size of a blueberry, was your first ever flight. You did great! I opted out of the x-ray while going through security screenings because I just didn't want to take any chances with you. But they did a pat-down and it was all good. We flew from Little Rock to Dallas, and then from Dallas to Los Angeles. Nana, Papa, Nucle Jeremy, Aunt Tara, Jax, and Aunt Kerri picked us up (Nucle Zac was working). We went to their house (awesome house on Pepperdine campus with a beautiful view of the ocean) and rested while some fixed supper. Nucle Zac got home from work, so we decided it was a good time to spill the beans. We let Jax do it again with his shirt. Nucle Jeremy took the best ever picture capturing their reaction. They were SO excited!! It was really fun! Everybody loves you already!

I Love You!!

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