Friday, May 11, 2012

6 Weeks * 5 Days (based on the new due date)

Dear Baby Dickinson,

I forgot to mention yesterday that they changed your due date to December 30th, which seems more accurate to me. We told Nucle Jeremy, Aunt Tara, and Jaxon today. They are so excited! They have been praying hard for you to be created. We put a shirt on Jax that said I'm the Big Cousin...

... Then he walked into the room where Aunt Tara was and told her to look at his shirt. Her reaction was cute.

Nucle Jeremy was in bed sick, so we had Jax go show him the shirt, too. He was excited and responded with as much excitement as he could considering his horrible headache.
Nana, Papa, Aunt Tara, Jaxon, Daddy, and I (and, of course, you) went to eat at Red Goose Deli afterward. Tomorrow is Aunt Tara's graduation.
I Love You!!

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