Monday, April 30, 2012

Track and Field

Dear Baby Dickinson,

Today was track & field day at Connor's school. I wanted to shout to the whole world "I'M PREGNANT!!" the whole time we were there. It is so hard to keep it quiet.

I felt sorry for your daddy because he gives his all to that little boy, but he gets treated with such disrespect by his mother. He is so excited about you, though, and about finally having a child who is not only allowed, but encouraged, to love him. I think raising you will be a completely different experience for him than it was with Connor. I'm so excited for him to get to be a part of that. He is such a good daddy, and he is going to love you so much. He already does!

Just 3 more days until we go to the doctor! I can't wait! I felt pretty good today... just exhausted. I'm not eating good, though. I need to step that up a notch.

I Love You!!


Sunday, April 29, 2012

How Old Are You?

Dear Baby Dickinson,

Pastor James was talking in church today about his new baby girl that was born this past week. Your daddy and I both smiled gleefully the whole time. We both think of you 24/7. We are more excited than you can imagine. If we got pregnant the month we think we did then you are 9 weeks today. I can't wait to go to the doctor Thursday and find out.

I've felt good for the most part today. I have been fatigued, but not so much that I took a nap. It's 9:30pm, though, and I am ready to turn in for the night. We have Connor's track and field day tomorrow, plus I have two assignments for school that are due tomorrow that I have to finish. I have a feeling I'll be extremely exhausted tomorrow night. Until then...

I Love You!!


Saturday, April 28, 2012

Wearing Me Down

Dear Baby Dickinson,

A week ago tonight is when we found out about you. It's crazy to think that it's already been that long. I'm glad, though, that we're that much closer to going to the OB and to telling everybody.

You've really knocked me down today. I am completely exhausted. It's like I haven't slept in days, but I have. I have never been the type to take naps, but I have slept on and off all day. I had a headache and nausea the first part of the day, but I've just been really fatigued the rest of the day.

Your daddy suggested tonight that we wait until Mother's Day to tell Nana and Papa. I really don't want to because I am SO ready to tell everyone. We'll have to think more about that one. :-)

I Love You!


Friday, April 27, 2012

Connor's Birthday Party

Dear Baby Dickinson,

Tonight was Connor's birthday party at our house. We were going to have a big crawfish/crableg boil with a bunch of kids, but we didn't get enough done to our house in time. So we just had a cookout for the family. The only ones who could make it were Nana and Papa, Bill and Angie, and Scott, Marian, Ellie, and Wyatt. Nucle Jeremy had bronchitis and strept throat, Aunt Tara had strept, and Jax was just getting over it.


They are going to be SO excited when they find out about you. Nana, Papa, Nucle Jeremy, and Aunt Tara have been some of our biggest supporters over the past couple of years as we've gone through this. Nucle Bill and Aunt Angie have been as well. They went through it all themselves, but in the end they were unable to have a child. It will be difficult when we break the news to them. Although they will be excited about you, I know it will be difficult on them to know they were unable to have a child. I'm still trying to figure out the best way to tell them. I don't want them to have to worry about their reaction in person, so I'm thinking sending them something in the mail and then just letting them contact us when they are able may be the best thing.

I'm barely starting to get a little baby bump. It's one that you wouldn't notice if you didn't know how flat my belly was pre-pregnancy. Your daddy and I can see it, though, when I don't have a shirt on or have a fitted tank on. I keep going to the mirror to look at it just to make it seem more real. After trying so hard for so long to make you, it's hard to believe that you are really in my belly. This is really happening!

I Love You!


Thursday, April 26, 2012

Connor's School

Dear Baby Dickinson,

I went to Connor's school tonight, Cabot Middle School North, for 4th grade transition night. The 4th graders and their parents visited the school to see what it looks like and to get a feel for next year. I have been elected to be the PTO President for next year, so I knew that I needed to be a part of this. Some of the girls in the PTO have been there for me through much of this infertility process. It was SO hard to not share the news with them about you. Angela Wallace even asked me specifically about how everything was going with the baby thing. I tried to get around the question without lying. I said, "Well, it's going. We go tot he doctor next Thursday to find out our next step." That's all true. She just doesn't know that our next step has to do with the pregnancy rather than fertility.

I Love You!


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Your Amazing Daddy

Dear Baby Dickinson,

It is so difficult to keep quiet about you. I have never in my life been more excited about something, but I can't tell anybody yet. I keep telling your daddy, Cleo, Bentley, and Russ over and over again just so I can tell someone.

Today was your brother, Connor's, 11th birthday. He is actually your half-brother, but by the time you're old enough to read this you'll be old enough to already know and understand that. Your daddy never gets to spend his son's birthday with him, so I want you to help me with something. Let's make sure he ALWAYS gets to spend yours with you. Of course, this won't always be feasible when you are grown, but we'll make sure it happens until then. He longs for his child to want to spend time with him. I promise to help you see him for the incredible man he is. If you see that, then you'll always WANT to spend that time with him. Your daddy is really an amazing man, and I'd give anything for Connor to see the truth behind it all. Someday he will, though. He'll get old enough that he will figure it all out, and when he does I have a feeling he'll be wanting to spend a lot more time with us.

I talked to my friends Melissa Passini and Angela Wallace today, and I wanted to tell them about you so bad!! They have been SO supportive of me through this whole process, and I am dying to tell them that it has all come true.

I am counting down the days until I get to see you in an ultrasound. It can't get here soon enough!

If you are as far along as I think then you are about 0.63 inches long now. Your "tail" that is actually your spinal cord is disappearing as your spine forms. You are developing eyes and ears, and you have fingers & toes that are webbed.

I Love You!


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

It's Confirmed!

Dear Baby Dickinson,

This morning we went to our family doctor because they had to confirm the pregnancy before they could do our referral with our insurance to our OB/GYN. When the nurse confirmed it everything became more real. It still hasn't completely sunk in that you are growing inside me, but it's slowly getting there.

Later I just had to make a trip to Hobby Lobby to pick up some cute scrapbooking baby embellishments. I am so excited about scrapbooking everything about you. I had planned to already start, but tomorrow is Connor's 11th birthday. We're having a birthday party for him Friday night, so I have so much to do for that this week.

I weighed myself today and I was 125 lbs. That's 3 lbs. more than the last time I weighed myself about 2 months ago. Luckily I only had a slight headache today and felt great other than that. So far, so good!

I Love You!


Monday, April 23, 2012


Dear Baby Dickinson,

Your daddy is so excited about you. It's so precious. He is dying to tell people. Finally today we agreed to tell his doctor at the VA, Dr. Goodwin, because we just had to share our excitement with somebody. We are waiting until we are far enough along that we feel you are safe before we share with anybody else, though. We want your brother, Connor, to be the first non-doctor person we tell. Then we want him to get to tell Nana, Papa, MawMaw, and Dandy. We can't get in to the doctor for an ultrasound until May 3rd, though. So we have to wait. It is so hard to keep something quiet that you've wanted so bad for so long. We just want to scream it from the mountaintops.

All the work you're doing inside my body is wearing me out, so I'm going to sleep.

I Love You!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

More Tests

Dear Baby Dickinson,

It's real! I took two more tests today, and they both came back positive! Now the question is whether we are 4 weeks or 8 weeks pregnant. I never got an LH surge this month (which tells me when I'm ovulating), so we don't think I ovulated. I tested for it every day, so I don't know how I could have missed it. That makes us wonder if I was pregnant from the month before and didn't know it. I'm going to call the doctor first thing in the morning. Hopefully we can get in soon to find out.

Today I had to deal with a headache. It kept getting worse and worse, and I knew I couldn't take anything for it. I don't know if the intensity of the headache caused my nausea and dizziness or if they were seperate. I've had nausea nearly every day for a couple of weeks, though. For awhile I thought I was getting the flu. Now we know better. :-)

I can't wait for tomorrow so I can find out when our first doctor appointment will be. I'm exhausted now, though, so I'm going to sleep. I Love You!


P. S. Your daddy is so excited! He's been talking to my belly all day! :-)

Saturday, April 21, 2012


Dear Baby Dickinson,

I can't believe it!! My lifelong dream is finally coming true! Your daddy and I began trying for you in March 2010. Over two years later we have finally found out you are coming. Your nana predicted it today. She is a smart lady... but she has no clue how smart yet. Today your daddy and I sold our Crownline speed boat. We took it to have it dewinterized before delivering it to the buyer. We looked at pontoons while we were there, and we decided we would make it a goal to have one by the time our youngest child was two. I texted nana to tell her about our goal, and somehow she thought that meant I'm pregnant. She's been saying for a couple of weeks now that she thinks I am. For some reason tonight I took an EPT pregnancy test. It looked positive. I couldn't contain my excitement, so I told your daddy. He was excited but scared to trust it based on one test. We've had so many ups and downs through our trying to conceive (TTC) journey, so it was difficult to believe. We decided to go to Wal-Mart to get a digital test. We bought Clear Blue Digital. It came with 2 tests, so when we got home I decided to go ahead and take one then and one the next morning. That test very clearly read:


Your daddy and I both cried with joy. We couldn't believe it, yet at the same time we finally did. I am going to take another test in the morning just to get a greater confirmation. Then I will begin working on your scrapbook (after church, of course).

I love you already! You are in my belly! I can't believe it! You are really there! This is really happening! I have never been mroe excited about something in my life!
