Sunday, April 22, 2012

More Tests

Dear Baby Dickinson,

It's real! I took two more tests today, and they both came back positive! Now the question is whether we are 4 weeks or 8 weeks pregnant. I never got an LH surge this month (which tells me when I'm ovulating), so we don't think I ovulated. I tested for it every day, so I don't know how I could have missed it. That makes us wonder if I was pregnant from the month before and didn't know it. I'm going to call the doctor first thing in the morning. Hopefully we can get in soon to find out.

Today I had to deal with a headache. It kept getting worse and worse, and I knew I couldn't take anything for it. I don't know if the intensity of the headache caused my nausea and dizziness or if they were seperate. I've had nausea nearly every day for a couple of weeks, though. For awhile I thought I was getting the flu. Now we know better. :-)

I can't wait for tomorrow so I can find out when our first doctor appointment will be. I'm exhausted now, though, so I'm going to sleep. I Love You!


P. S. Your daddy is so excited! He's been talking to my belly all day! :-)

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