Saturday, April 21, 2012


Dear Baby Dickinson,

I can't believe it!! My lifelong dream is finally coming true! Your daddy and I began trying for you in March 2010. Over two years later we have finally found out you are coming. Your nana predicted it today. She is a smart lady... but she has no clue how smart yet. Today your daddy and I sold our Crownline speed boat. We took it to have it dewinterized before delivering it to the buyer. We looked at pontoons while we were there, and we decided we would make it a goal to have one by the time our youngest child was two. I texted nana to tell her about our goal, and somehow she thought that meant I'm pregnant. She's been saying for a couple of weeks now that she thinks I am. For some reason tonight I took an EPT pregnancy test. It looked positive. I couldn't contain my excitement, so I told your daddy. He was excited but scared to trust it based on one test. We've had so many ups and downs through our trying to conceive (TTC) journey, so it was difficult to believe. We decided to go to Wal-Mart to get a digital test. We bought Clear Blue Digital. It came with 2 tests, so when we got home I decided to go ahead and take one then and one the next morning. That test very clearly read:


Your daddy and I both cried with joy. We couldn't believe it, yet at the same time we finally did. I am going to take another test in the morning just to get a greater confirmation. Then I will begin working on your scrapbook (after church, of course).

I love you already! You are in my belly! I can't believe it! You are really there! This is really happening! I have never been mroe excited about something in my life!


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